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Time Management & Productivity Expert

I am Dedicated to Helping Overwhelmed and Busy Entrepreneurs and Professionals Navigate The Challenges Of Achieving Productivity And Finding Balance in Their Lives.

 I am here to guide you on your journey towards managing your time and resources to have harmony in your personal and business life.

Find Out More About Me

Hi, I'm Sharon

 I am a woman of faith, a wife, mother, grandmother, a sister, daughter, auntie and a really busy entrepreneur running more than one small business. I love to sing, dance, hang with my family and friends, and travel every chance I get. And with all that going on I understand firsthand the challenges of juggling multiple and competing roles and responsibilities in today's fast-paced world. It definitely is not always easy, but I’m really enjoying the ride! That's why I'm passionate about helping other business owners and professionals achieve a healthy, happy, and balanced lifestyle.

Find Out More About Me

20+ Years Career in Academia

With well over 20 years of experience as a university educator and trainer, student counselor, learning strategist, and time management guru and coach, I help to restore students to good academic performance assisted students providing one on one, and workshop trainings for those on academic probation, those with learning disabilities and ADHD, as well as other special needs student populations

“Ms. Jacas was my counselor and coach at FIT. Juggling school work, my son, and my job was really difficult –especially when unexpected things happened along the way. Her personal coaching sessions and time management workshops really helped me get through to graduation” 

-Lisa Findlay

Expertise in Student Development and Time Management

With my unique blend of skills and expertise gained through the years of working with college students, I am well-equipped to help entrepreneurs and professionals achieve their goals. My expertise lies in techniques and systems grounded in psychology and behavioral change, focusing on personal development, time management, and cognitive-behavioral self-management principles and strategies.

Moreover, my deep understanding of executive functioning and how that relates to self-management and productivity, allows me to provide guidance in overcoming challenges such as procrastination, inability to focus, and overwhelm.

Real Estate and Business Ownerships

I am the Principal and Founder of Live Free Properties LLC, a real estate company that focuses on investing in small multi-family apartment rentals, vacation short-term rentals in the Caribbean We also provide homeownership opportunities through mortgage notes, and private lending. Additionally, as co-founder of Triple A Home Improvement, I oversee the general operational and financial components of that business. 

These entrepreneurial pursuits have taught me the art of identifying and juggling priorities and achieving the goals I set for myself. Now, I am here to share those insights with you.

Get Started

Productivity & Balance

My real world experience combined with a genuine passion for helping people grow and thrive inspired me to create Productivity & Balance, an educational resource all about productivity, dedicated to time management and overall personal development for the busy, and overwhelmed and overstretched entrepreneur and professional. 

My mission is to empower other business owners and professionals like myself to unlock their full potential and create a balanced and fulfilling life. I understand the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs: the never-ending to-do lists, the constant juggling of responsibilities, the pressure to achieve greater productivity, time management, and work-life integration. 

Whether you’re struggling with overwhelm, seeking to support you every step of the way. We provide you with the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to achieve sustainable growth, find harmony, and create a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. 

Check Out Our Productivity and Balance Blog

How To Get Started


Are you ready to experience a profound shift in your productivity and balance? Don't miss the opportunity to book a complimentary clarity call with me. During this call, we will dive deep into your unique challenges and goals, gaining clarity on how I can support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.


Our blog post is filled with valuable information, practical tips, and inspiring stories that will empower you on your journey towards a more productivity and work life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and guidance. Read our blog post now and embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment


By becoming a member, you'll gain access to a wealth of knowledge and resources that will support you on your journey towards productivity, balance, and personal growth. Don't miss out on this opportunity to receive regular inspiration and guidance right in your inbox. .

The critical part of a balance in life is choosing priorities.

~ byron pulsifer

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Eliminate Procrastination. Make Better Decisions-by Exploring Pros & Cons

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Procrastination: Key Reason for Overwhelm & Burnout

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Striking a Balance: Nurturing Entrepreneurship Amidst Competing Demands

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